اودو باللغة العربية

شركة أودو تطلق موقعها باللغة العربية وتزيد خدماتها في المنطقة العربية

في نوفمبر 2018 ، أضافت Odoo واجهة باللغة العربية كاملة إلى موقعها الرسمي www.odoo.com. يعكس هذا التطور الجديد أهمية المنطقة العربية كسوق متنامية لشركة Odoo ERP. يأتي ذلك عقب إعلان مؤسس Odoo والرئيس التنفيذي Fabien Pinckaers عن الاستراتيجية الجديدة للتركيز على منطقة الشرق الأوسط وتخطط Odoo لافتتاح مكتب إقليمي جديد في دبي ، الإمارات العربية المتحدة.  

Odoo ERP is the most implemented open-source ERP system in the Middle East and Arabic speaking countries. This fact is refelcted in the fact that today ( Nov 2018) there are around 175 offical Odoo partners in Arab countries. 
There are many factors that led to this wide adpatation of Odoo. In the early days of Odoo being an open source ERP whcih have excellent support from the community encouraged many companies to implement Odoo as an affordable yet powerful business suite of applications. As the user base increased, and relying on a stable and well supported ERP system, a new wave of customers required an offically supported solution who started to prefer to go for Odoo enterprise a pay the competative licensing fees for the value that Odoo Enterprise Offers.
On the technical side, odoo ERP provided RTL (right-to-left) support for Arabic language, and was highly customizable with flexible hosting options. 

The Arabic website present how odoo can fully support RTL in the web interface, with automated translation, and languge switcher it can be the ideal choice for any multi-lengual website. 

Odoo also annouce two road shows comming soon in Jeddah Saudi Arabia this Decmeber, and another road show in Dubai, UAE in January. 
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